The Malawi Trade Portal is a one-stop window for information relating to import into, export from, and transit through Malawi. Hosted by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, on behalf of all government ministries and agencies, the portal provides an accessible, logical, helpful window for traders to access important regulatory and procedural information needed to import and export.

The portal is an important step for the Government toward improving the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes. This is in line with the Government’s commitment to facilitate information sharing and transparency, in their Trade Facilitation Strategy, as well as compliance with Article 1 of the Trade Facilitation Agreement with the World Trade Organization.

If you require further information specifically from one of these agencies you can view each agency's own website by following the links and contacts below:

Government Ministries

   The Malawi Government

The Malawi Government Official Site provides public information and documents from different Ministries, Dea which include the Presidency, Government Ministries, Departments and agencies, and all other institutions under the Government of Malawi.

Click here for more Information.

Ministry of Trade and Industry

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is there to promote, support and facilitate the development of industry, trade and private sector in both existing and potential growth sectors thereby increasing supply of value-added goods and services for Internal and international markets while sustaining competitive advantage.

Click here for more Information.

Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning & Development

The Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning & Development has the mandate to formulate economic and fiscal policy and manage financial and material resources of the Government of Malawi in order to realize balanced and sustainable economic growth and to reduce poverty.

Click here for more information.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation acts as the main link between Malawi and the International Community.  It is the organ that is responsible for formulating, implementing and monitoring the foreign policy of the Government of the Republic of Malawi.

Click here for more information.

Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs

The Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs exists to provide legal services   to the Government and its citizens.

The mandate of Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs is to promote the rule of law through the provision of professional legal services in a transparent and accountable manner in order to ensure a just, fair and democratic society.

Click here for more information.

Ministry of Health

The Ministry is mandated to achieve health for all Malawians by delivering health services and disseminating health information to the general public. Its main goal is to raise the level of the health status of the public by reducing the incdence of illiness and occurence of death in the population.

Click here for more information.

Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining is mandated to provide policy guidance and direction on all matters concerning Malawi’s natural resources, energy, and environmental management. It is also responsible for sustainable management of the environment, climate, climate change, forests and other natural resources for socio-ecomonic development of malawi.

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining comprises of five technical departments, namely:

The Department of Mining is there to ensure sustainable development, management and utilization of minerals and monitoring geo-hazards for the socio-economic development of Malawi.

The Department of Energy Affairs is responsible for all energy matters and it is housed at City Centre.

The Environment Affairs Department (EAD) is established to exercise general supervision and co-ordination over all matters relating to the environment. The Department is the principal instrument of Government in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment and natural resources. Essentially the Department provides environmental stewardship and enforces the environmental mandate through various approaches and strategies. The Department also Promotes conservation, sustainable use, and protection of the Environment and Natural resources in line with the principles of sustainable development.

The Department of Forestry handles all matters to do with Malawi’s Forest reserves and it is housed at City Centre.

The Department of Geological Survey is based in Zomba and it is responsible for all issues to do with geology.

Minstry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development

The Malawi's Minstry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development works to promote and facilitate agricultural productivity, ensure food security, and create employment opportunities through the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources.

The Ministry is composed of a number of Departments, these include;

The Department of Fisheries is there to strengthen global governance and the managerial and technical capacities of members and to lead consensus-building towards improved conservation and utilization of aquatic resources, and enhance poverty reduction and food and nutrition security, environmental protection and biodiversity.


P. O. Box 593
Lilongwe, Malawi.

Tel: +265 1 788 511
Fax: +265 1 788 712

The Department of Agriculture Research and Technical Services is a technical Department in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, and is responsible for conducting research and generating technologies for increased and improved agricultural productivity.

The Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development is mandated to promote sustainable livestock development and protect the general public from zoonotic diseases through the delivery of animal production and veterinary services.

For more information, please contact their offices using the contacts below. 

Private Bag 2096

Tel: +265 1 753 055

Ministry of Transport and Public Works

The mandate of the ministry is to ensure the provision of effective and sustainable transport system click here for more information. The departments of relevance to the portal include;

The Directorate of Road traffic is regulatory arm of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, responsible for all matters relating to the road transportation, as well as issues pertaining to the implementation of policies and directions sanctioned under various Regional and International Conventions such as SADC and COMESA. As a technical wing of the Ministry, the directorate also plays a crucial role in the provision of advisory services to other government institutions and stakeholders in road transport industry.


Government Agencies


The Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) is an agency of the Government of Malawi established by The Malawi Revenue Authority Act of 1998. It is responsible for assessment, collection and accounting for tax revenues. The Authority operates as a government tax administration agency under the Ministry of Finance. The revenue that the Authority collects goes to Government for implementation of various socio-economic development projects such as the constructions of roads, bridges, schools health facilities and provision of social services. These include national security, provision of salaries for civil servants such as the police, the army, judges, doctors, nurses and teachers.

In pursuance of these duties and to accomplish the mandate of MRA, functional divisions and Divisions have been established. MRA has three revenue divisions of Customs Division (Imports), Customs Division (Exports) and Domestic Taxes Division.


The Customs and Excise Division is one of the two revenue divisions of the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA). The mandates of the Customs and Excise Division are be derived from the Customs and Excise Act .The key objectives of the Division therefore include, Collection of Revenue, Legitimate Trade Facilitation, Collection of International Trade Statistics, Protection of the society from importation/exportation of hazardous goods and Enforcement of export proceeds. 

Head Office
Msonkho House
Private Bag 247

Tel: (265) 01 822 588
Fax: (265) 01 822 302


The Immigration Department

The Immigration Department falls under the Minister of Home Affairs and Internal security, and it is instituted to provide quality services to the general public in areas of border control and issuance of travel documents, residential and work permits, Visas as well as Citizenship to eligible persons.

Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC)

Malawi Investment and Trade Centre is a trade and inward investment promotion agency, established to promote Malawi as an ideal destination for trade and investment in Africa and beyond. MITC operates as a One-Stop Service Centre for business start-ups as mandated by the Investment and Export Promotion Act of 2012.

MITC provides specialized support to investors in all prioritized sectors for industrializing Malawi; and also promotes and facilitate export products and services of Malawi.

Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority(MACRA)

MACRA was established pursuant to Section 3 of the Communications Act of 1998, to assume the regulatory functions of the communications sector which had been performed by the Malawi Telecommunications Corporation Limited.

Reserve Bank of Malawi

The Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) is the central bank of Malawi established by The Reserve Bank of Malawi Act (CAP 44:02 of Laws of Malawi). Just like all central banks, it is an entity responsible for overseeing the monetary system for country, with a specific target of currency stability, low inflation and full employment. For purposes of trade, the Reserve Bank of Malawi also administers the Exchange Control Act.

Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA)

Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) is a corporate body established under the Energy Regulatory Act (Act No. 20 of 2004) as the Energy Sector Wide Regulator. Their mandate is to regulate the energy sector in Malawi in a fair, transparent, efficient and cost effective manner for the benefit of the consumers and operators.

Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS)

The Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS) is the National Standards Body for Malawi established by the Malawi Bureau of Standards Act (Act No. 14 of 2012). It is responsible for the preparation and publication of Malawi standards, promotion of standards and quality in Malawi, implementation of Malawi standards through relevant conformity assessment programmes, National and Metrology System.

National Statistical Office of Malawi

The National Statistical Office of Malawi is the main government department responsible for the collection and dissemination of official statistics including trade statistics. It operates under the Statistics Act of 2013 (Act No.9 of 2013).

Tobacco Control Commission

The Malawi Tobacco Control Commission is established under The Control of Tobacco Auction Floors Act ( CAP 65:03 of Laws of Malawi) and provides leadership in regulating and promoting tobacco production, value addition and marketing systems, and it’s also responsible for registering and licensing of all the players in tobacco industry.

The commission’s mandate is to regulate and promote the tobacco industry in Malawi.

Pesticides Control Board

The Pesticides Control Board is established as a body corporate and is responsible for the registration, control and management of all pesticides in Malawi and performs the functions assigned to it by the Pesticides Act ( CAP 35:03 of Laws of Malawi).

For more information Contact:

Pesticides Control Board
Bvumbwe, Malawi

Tel: +265 471 312

Pharmaceutical Medicines and Poisons Board of Malawi

The Pharmaceutical Medicines and Poisons Board is part of the Directorate of Health Technical Support Services of the Ministry of Health established under The Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Act (CAP 35:01 of Laws of Malawi) . The pharmaceutical sector in general and the public pharmaceutical sector in particular continues to contribute significantly to the improvement of the health of Malawians through equitable access and rational use of good quality, safe, efficacious medicines and supplies at affordable cost with particular attention to vulnerable sections of the population.

Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board (PMPB)
The Registrar, Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board

P.O Box 30241; Off Chilambula Road, Capital City; Lilongwe 3; Malawi
Tel: +265 1 750 108/+265 1 755 165/+265 1 755 166
Fax: +265 1 755204


Private Sector

Malawi Tourism

It is Malawi’s variety of attractions that is its greatest asset. Whilst Lake Malawi dominates the country, this is not a country of a singular attraction. It is the mixture of beautiful landscapes, fascinating wildlife, the alluring Lake Malawi, and rich culture that combine to make this small country such a wonderful place to visit.

Click here for more information.

Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI)

Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) is a partnership of enterprises and associations representing all sectors of the economy of Malawi, committed to the achievement of Malawi’s socio-economic development through joint action and enlightened dialogue among private sector members and constituencies.

Click here for more information.
