View Measure

NameEntry of goods for use as stores in vessels, or aircraft
DescriptionGoods used as stores in aircrafts or vessels
CommentsControl of goods consumed in aircrafts or vessels
Validity From01-01-1970
Validity To31-12-9999
ReferenceRegulation 30 ( Customs and Excise Act)
Technical Code
AgencyMalawi Revenue Authority
Created Date2016-01-20 20:45:05
Updated Date2016-03-21 15:24:25
Measure TypeDeclaration
Legal/RegulationCustoms and Excise Act(42:01)
Un Code


Displaying 1-1 of 1 result(s).
Procedure NameDescriptionCategoryView Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Declaration of goods for Importimport declaration of goods at the border and inlandProcedureView


This measure applies to commodity/s
HS CodeDescription
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