View Measure

NameEntry of temporary imported goods
DescriptionGoods imported temporarily for re-exportation
CommentsControl of temporary imports and security of revenue
Validity From01-01-1970
Validity To31-12-9999
ReferenceRegualation 28 (Customs and Excise Act)
Technical Code
AgencyMalawi Revenue Authority
Created Date2016-01-20 20:38:55
Updated Date2016-03-21 15:21:50
Measure TypeDeclaration
Legal/RegulationCustoms and Excise Act(42:01)
Un Code


Displaying 1-1 of 1 result(s).
Procedure NameDescriptionCategoryView Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Declaration of goods for Importimport declaration of goods at the border and inlandProcedureView


This measure applies to commodity/s
HS CodeDescription
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