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Name Export Processing Zone- certification requirement
DescriptionA company shall require a certificate to manufacture or provide an export product.
CommentsTo enforce national standards for products, To enforce national standards for products, commodities, materials, services, practices, and operations and to promote adoption of such standards. The definitions of the terms 'export' and 'manufacture' will be taken from the Customs and Excise Act.
Validity From01-01-1995
Validity To31-12-9999
ReferenceIssuance of Export Enterprise Certificates and the Validity of the Certificate. Export Processing Zones Act. Section 10.
Technical CodeP62
AgencyMinistry of Trade and Industry
Created Date2016-01-20 18:56:57
Updated Date2016-03-21 15:14:58
Measure TypeLicensing Requirement
Legal/RegulationExport Processing Zone Act (39:06)
Un Code


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Procedure NameDescriptionCategoryView Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Export Processing Zones-Application for export enterprise certificateApplication for export enterprise certificateProcedureView


This measure applies to commodity/s
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