View Procedure

Procedure NameApplication for a certificate of registration to benefit from export incentives.


Issuing Agency: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism
Incumbent Office Name: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism
Address: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism
P.O. Box 30366
City Centre
Fax:  +265 (0) 1 770 680
Email: /
Phone: +265 (0)  1775 618


Procedure Step Description
1 An exporter should go to the Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) Chief Executive Officer.
2 If a company applying for the first time, a Business Registration Form should be attached.
3 The applicant is given a registration form at the Department of Trade, which the Applicant must fill.   
4 The exporter will then be directed to the Accounts office where the exporter will pay fees amounting to $150.
5 The Department of trade will then cross check if the Applicant is already in the system or should have a new entry to avoid duplications.
6 The application is sent to the Chief Executive Officer to be signed.
7 The exporter can collect a certificate after five days.
8 Copies of letters are sent to Reserve Bank of Malawi, Malawi revenue Authority, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism  and the Applicant notifying the issuance of the certificate,


Process Map



The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
Export Incentive Application for Registration As an Exporter of Products of Malawi Form10-11-201509-02-2016Malawi Investment and Trade CentreThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Export Incentives- registration requirementExport Registration requirementsMalawi Investment and Trade CentreAn exporter requires a certificate of registration to benefit incentives. The Council has the right of recalling an enterprise to probe more information for the benefit and consideration of the application. Export Incentives Act (39:04)31-12-9999Good